The IFA American Flyer®: Read about informative aviation news, safety, tips, and interesting articles, plus
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The IFA American Flyer®
April 2011
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Flying News

  • Under the FAA's new re-registration drive, the first wave of aircraft registrations expired 3/31/11. If you own an aircraft, you will have to re-register sometime within the next three years. You should receive notification from the FAA when your time approaches and will have a three month window to file your re-registration application. Review the FAA's frequently asked questions.

  • Connecticut (CT) Gov. Dan Malloy released his budget proposal on 2/17/11. The proposal would repeal the current tax exemption for aircraft parts and maintenance on aircraft under 6,000 pounds and assess personal property tax. House Bill 6387, if passed, would tax aircraft at 70% of their value factored by a "mill" rate of 20 [one mill is one-tenth of a cent ($0.001)]. The CT House of Representatives Committee on Finance recently held a public hearing on HB 6387. Read NATA's written testimony submitted for the record. Contact the CT Representatives of the House and Senate, the CT State House Committee on Finance or the Office of Gov. Malloy to voice your opinion and/or opposition.

  • Enjoy these photos from a 32 day flying trip (7,000 miles) across the U.S. in a J3 cub. There are some fantastic pictures you can only get from in a plane that will fly low and slow.

  • Spring has arrived – let the flying begin! IFA has compiled a number of useful weather, time, and flight sources for your benefit.

Looking for Air Shows to Attend?

The busy air show season is right around the corner and the hugely popular IFA Air Show Calendar can help you plan which shows to attend in your area and around the country. The IFA Air Show Calendar lists over 300 air shows across the country and around the world, and you’ll be able to search for shows by the name of the show, date, or state. It’s quick and easy to use – so check it out!

Update During the Air Fiesta at the Brownsville/South Padre Island Airport, airshow performers Kyle & Amanda Franklin's engine apparently failed during their wing walking act, causing a forced landing. Two funds have been established to raise money to help the Franklins recover and rebuild — one fund organized by the International Council of Air Shows and one fund created by the Brownsville Air Fiesta.

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Allergies — Nothing to Sneeze At

Watery eyes, sneezing, coughing – is it just a cold or an allergy? To pilots, it makes a great deal of difference. According to the U.S. Federal Air Surgeon's Bulletin, aside from being uncomfortable, a pilot with allergic rhinitis (clear watery nasal discharge) is more prone to barotraumas (pain or discomfort in the ear because of differences in air pressure inside the eardrum and outside the eardrum), changes in vision, and cockpit distractions. To control allergies, pilots may use certain approved medications. Learn more.

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Mandatory Shoulder Restraints Poll Results

We recently conducted a poll regarding your views on whether or not the FAA should make shoulder restraints mandatory in light aircraft. Of the over 400 responses, 46% said "NO", while 31% said "YES".

Of those that think shoulder restraints should be mandatory, 35% cited that the "definite safety benefit overrides the expense". Of those that think they should not be mandatory, 24% said "it should be a personal choice" and 22% said that "they should only be mandatory in new aircraft".

Thanks to those of you who participated. Take IFA's new poll.

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Take IFA's Poll

Take IFA's Poll

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Cobwebs and Flying Don't Mix

Pilots, the season to fly is upon us. We shake ourselves from our winter sleep, ready to take on the warmer skies. That means preparing our airplanes and ourselves by getting the cobwebs out, so to speak. Remember that if your aircraft has been sitting all winter, it needs to be thoroughly checked over before you take it out for your first springtime flight. Learn more.

Also, be sure to read Spring House Cleaning.

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Free Headset Light Attachment Available

Free Headset Light Attachment Available

Just in time for the Spring flying season! As an IFA member, when you purchase any headset at Gulf Coast Avionics, you'll receive a free headset light attachment. It attaches to any headset with optional velcro or you can use it with the ear piece supplied. It also features a bright LED light in white and red for night flying.

As an added bonus, you'll also receive free shipping until 5/31/11. Call Gulf Coast Avionics toll-free at 800-474-9714 to take advantage of this special IFA member offer. This offer is not available when ordering online.

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Flying Humor

For the latest flying cartoon, click here.

Flying Humor

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I Fly America ● PO Box 690● New Market, MD 21774

Working to promote flying safety, affordability, growth, and fun!

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